UPEI Strategic Plan (2013–2018)

UPEI’s Strategic Plan (2013-2018) was approved by the UPEI Board of Governors in January 2014 following endorsement by the UPEI Senate in late-November 2013.

With the support of the University community, UPEI will continue its efforts to achieve its goals with a focus on our students, fulfilling our potential (as individuals and as an institute of higher learning), and the long-term sustainability of UPEI.

This website provides information on UPEI’s strategic plan, as well as a quick reference to planning priorities and action.

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Our Vision

The University of Prince Edward Island will be a leader in delivering outstanding experiential learning opportunities that encourage our students to develop to their full potential in both the classroom and the community. Driven by discovery, UPEI will be a destination for those eager to advance our world by creating new knowledge. Together, we will foster the development of tomorrow’s leaders who will emerge from their studies ready to excel and contribute to the betterment of our global and local communities.