Faculty of Graduate Studies

Deciding to become a graduate student is a momentous, life-changing step. At the University of Prince Edward Island, we recognize that expanding your opportunities to grow also provides the building blocks for our institution to grow.

As UPEI expanded its programs and enrolment, we created the Faculty of Graduate Studies so that we can focus our energies on making this important step in your life the best experience possible. It will allow you to maximize your potential and expand your personal horizons while contributing to our collective vision of being a force for positive change in the world.

Graduate students contribute to our most valued endeavours in academia including research, teaching, mentorship, and community outreach. These specific activities are changing as we evolve, but our core mission remains constant – to promote and enhance all aspects of the student experience at UPEI.

Award for Outstanding Graduate Mentorship

This award recognizes graduate faculty members with a record of excellent mentorship of graduate students under their supervision.


Being a Global Leader right here in PEI

mba student
McDougall Hall, home of the Faculty of Business
Success Story
Elizabeth Iwunwa

MBA in Global Leadership graduate Elizabeth Iwunwa uses skills in diversity earned through her degrees at UPEI to help new Islanders connect with employers and businesses.

kelley memorial building, north entrance
kelley memorial building, north entrance
Research Services: workshops, funding, and support

Events and Social

What's Happening at UPEI?

10:00am Performing Arts Centre and Residence
11:30am Atlantic Veterinary College
Atlantic Veterinary College

UPEI Students Celebrating

Have a question?

Contact studentsupport@upei.ca