Research Data Management

Research data management (RDM) refers to the processes applied through the lifecycle of a research project to guide the collection, documentation, storage, sharing and preservation of research data. The University of Prince Edward Island is committed to identifying and implementing strategies that maximize the full potential of UPEI researchers’ research results and expertise, and ʷ’s research impact and has developed a draft Institutional Research Data Management Strategy focused on supporting researchers' data management practices throughout the research lifecycle.

The strategy supports the researchers in meeting the pillars outlined in the the including:

  1. The creation and publication of an institutional research data management strategy.
    • addresses this requirement.
  2. Certain funding opportunities require researchers to integrate Data Management Plans (DMPs) into their funding applications.
    • ʷ’s facilitates the creation of DMPs that researchers can use for this purpose along with guidance for completing a plan. We recognize that researchers may need additional support and/or resources to complete this activity. is another tool that researchers can use to create DMPs that are supported nationally.
  3. Researchers will be required to deposit their data aligned with Tri-Agency requirements. The Tri-Agency plans to phase this requirement in and recognizes that while there may be constraints, “the agencies expect researchers to provide appropriate access to the data where ethical, cultural, legal and commercial requirements allow”.
    • ʷ’s includes a deposit option for researchers to publish or privately archive their data as appropriate. Published research data is assigned a persistent identifier (DOI) to aid in discovery and citation. In addition, there are national and discipline specific repositories that researchers can leverage.

The Institutional Research Data Management Strategy is a living document and .